Kindergarten readiness is the vision and goal of a robust early childhood system, and to that end, we are proud of the recent work of our place-based initiative, Neighborhoods Ready for School, which First 5 launched in 2018. Recognizing that child development and family well-being are shaped by the surrounding community, Neighborhoods Ready For School is a community-directed investment strategy that engages parents, educators, and local leaders to articulate their vision and priorities for the kinds of services, programs, and policy advocacy they need to support early childhood development, kindergarten readiness, and family health and basic needs.  

Over the last six years, we have invested more than $20 million in Neighborhoods Ready for School that have helped bring about impactful interventions in community infrastructure. Across four sites in East Oakland, Central Oakland, West Oakland, and Union City, Neighborhoods Ready For School has served over 2,343 parents and caregivers and engaged 82 community partners. Through responsive partnerships that recognize and honor each community’s knowledge of its strengths and needs, Neighborhoods Ready For School is achieving positive outcomes through innovative public system investments.  

We invite you to explore the new videos, strategic work plans [listed below], and data profiles [listed below] created by our Neighborhoods Ready For School grantees: the San Antonio Family Resource Center, Lincoln, Roots Community Health Center, and Union City Family Center.