Promoting Public Policy

that Builds Stronger Families

At a time of shrinking public and private resources, advocating for policies and programs that promote the health and well-being of children during their most critical years of development is a major part of what we do.  First 5 Alameda County works to support the creation of an early childhood system of care:

  • We support family service agencies in providing developmentally appropriate services for children 0-5 and their families

  • We coordinate, support and link early childhood policy efforts across the county

  • We monitor key legislative and budget issues impacting early childhood.

  • We participate in local, state and national early childhood policy work to promote the work of First 5 Alameda County and to learn from other innovative initiatives

  • We develop linked data systems to track family success and program outcomes

  • We promote common early childhood outcomes and an early childhood budget as a framework for an early childhood system of care.
