Links and Additional Training Opportunities for Alameda County Providers Serving Families with Children 0-5 and Beyond

A Better Way. A Better Way’s Training Programs provide hundreds of courses free of cost for our community each year. Courses are available in person or online to meet your training needs. Cultural humility and social justice perspectives are woven throughout curriculum to support awareness and action uplifting the lives of community we serve. Continuing Education credit is available for select courses.

Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services. Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services mission is to maximize the recovery, resilience and wellness of all eligible Alameda County residents who are developing or experiencing serious mental health, alcohol or drug concerns.

Alameda County Child Abuse Prevention Council. The Alameda County Child Abuse Prevention Council coordinates community efforts to prevent and respond to child abuse and neglect and to promote the physical and emotional health of children and families in Alameda County. 

Alameda County Training and Education Center. The Alameda County Training and Education Center provides training and professional development on a variety of topics. 

California Training Institute aka CALTRIN. The California Training Institute (CalTrin) is passionate about advancing child abuse prevention through science-based, professional development and extended learning.CalTrin training is designed for staff of family strengthening and child abuse prevention organizations in California, including Family Resource Centers, Child Abuse Prevention Councils, community-based organizations, and other child- and family-serving systems. We believe that prevention-focused professional development should be accessible and applicable to your daily work.

Family Paths. Family Paths sponsors community trainings free of charge to those in Alameda County who work with, or on behalf of, Alameda County Foster Youth and Families. Our trainings are developed to help those in the mental health or related fields have the latest information on topics relevant to supporting vulnerable children, youth and families impacted by traumatic events and life circumstances. All of our trainings emphasize the importance of culturally responsive practice and the complexities that children and families in the foster care system face, as well as helping children and families at risk of system involvement.

Fred Finch. Fred Finch Youth Center’s Training Institute provides high-quality training to people who provide services to children, youth, and families facing challenges.

Safe & Sound. Ending abuse, neglect, and trauma has the potential to change the lives of children and families, and to save our community billions in societal costs. We believe this is possible, and everyone can play a role. Safe & Sound hosts a variety of in-person and virtual events to educate, inspire, connect individuals, families, and communities. We hope you will join us soon.

Seneca Center. Partnering closely with child welfare agencies, court systems and community partners, training and coaching focuses on a number of permanency topics ranging from targeted trainings on reinvigorating and sustaining learned practices to inspiring and improving practice to meet the challenges presented in order to achieve permanency for all who are served. 

The Harm Reduction Coalition Trainings. The Harm Reduction Training Institute (HRTI) is the first national training center focused exclusively on harm reduction. Its staff and consultants are skilled trainers with extensive experience in the field. HRTI collaborates with organizations and groups who want to learn more about harm reduction strategies and practices. 

California Child Care Health Program. The mission of the California Childcare Health Program is to improve the quality of child care by initiating and strengthening linkages between the health, safety and child care communities and the families they serve. CCHP produces a wealth of materials on health and safety in early care and education settings for professionals and families. 

California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry. The mission of the California Childcare Health Program is to improve the quality of child care by initiating and strengthening linkages between the health, safety and child care communities and the families they serve. CCHP produces a wealth of materials on health and safety in early care and education settings for professionals and families. 

Child Development Training Consortium. The Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) is a statewide program funded by the California Department of Education, Early Education and Support Division (CDE/EESD) with federal Child Care and Development Quality Improvement funds. CDTC provides services, training, technical assistance, and resources to students and professionals working with and for children.

The Program for Infant Toddler Care. The Program for Infant/Toddler Care seeks to ensure that America’s infants get a safe, healthy, emotionally secure and intellectually rich start in life. The PITC approach equates good care with trained infant/toddler care teachers who are preparing themselves and the environment so that infants can learn.

WestEd. Using a variety of strategies (direct instruction, modeling, coaching, mentoring), as well as tailored approaches (face-to-face, on-line, blended), WestEd bolsters the ongoing learning of teachers, administrators, support providers, and other professionals.

Resource & Referral Agencies

4 Cs of Alameda County. 4C’s is a non-profit family resource agency dedicated to strengthening children, families and child care providers in Alameda County. 4C’s provides access to affordable, quality child care by connecting families and providers to a wide network of community partners, child focused resources and financial assistance programs.

BANANAS. BANANAS is a child care resource and referral service. BANANAS provides free parenting information, workshops and referrals to family child care, child care centers, preschools, babysitters, in-home caregivers, nannies and playgroups and offer training, workshops, classes and technical support to caregivers and child care programs to assure parents a wide selection of quality care.

Hively. Hively acts as a link between government social service agencies and families. Income-eligible families can receive needed funds to pay for child care and education on how to find quality child care. Child Care Providers, parents and employers receive valuable one-on-one support and education from the agency. Free child care referrals are provided to parents in the Tri-Valley area.