Father Friendly Principles
The Fathers Corps is a county-wide team of male service providers-in-training, working to help strengthen families by helping men be the best fathers they can be. Our goal is that every father fully engages and supports their children and that agencies and organizations in Alameda County be fully prepared to help them succeed. The Fathers…
The Fathers Corps is a county-wide team of male service providers-in-training, working to help strengthen families by helping men be the best fathers they can be. Our goal is that every father fully engages and supports their children and that agencies and organizations in Alameda County be fully prepared to help them succeed. The Fathers Corps guides providers in building on the five protective factors of the Strengthening Families Framework to reduce risks and create optimal outcomes for children and families. Towards that end, the Fathers Corps adopted a set of Father-Friendly Principles, which we recommend be implemented in county-wide service organizations.