Andrea Ford is the Director of the Social Services Agency. She has over thirty years of senior and executive management experience in her role. Initially appointed as Interim Director in March 2022 and confirmed in the position permanently in October 2022, Andrea leads one of Alameda County’s largest agencies. She is responsible for managing an annual budget exceeding $1 billion and overseeing a staff of over 2,500 employees. Her leadership is instrumental in advancing the Agency’s core values of respect, integrity, customer service, initiative, and responsibility, and in fulfilling its vision of fostering successful individuals, healthy families, and thriving neighborhoods.

The Agency provides a comprehensive range of services through its four primary departments. Three of these are operational departments: Adult and Aging Services, Children & Family Services, and Workforce and Benefits Administration. The fourth, Agency Administration and Finance, encompasses Government and Community Relations, Human Resources, and Finance.

The Department of Children & Family Services (CFS) offers child welfare services, while the Department of Adult & Aging Services (AAS) provides support for adults, the disabled, and the elderly. The Department of Workforce & Benefits Administration (WBA) manages critical safety-net programs, including CalFresh, CalWORKs, Medi-Cal eligibility, and cash aid for economically disadvantaged individuals. Andrea’s previous role as Assistant Agency Director for WBA from 2012 to 2022 endowed her with extensive knowledge of these programs and their impact on the community.

Andrea holds a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems from Grambling State University and a master’s degree in public administration from California State University, East Bay. Her academic credentials and practical experience equip her with the expertise needed to effectively navigate the complexities of social services and address the diverse needs of Alameda County’s population.