What is Measure C?

In March 2020, Alameda County voters passed the Children’s Health and Child Care Initiative for Alameda County (Measure C), a 0.5% sales tax that will generate approximately $150 million annually for expanding access to early childhood education and care.

First 5 Alameda County is the administrator of the child care, preschool, and early education portion of Measure C’s revenue: 80 percent of the generated funds. Measure C was upheld by the California Supreme Court in April 2024, granting First 5 the right to move forward.

Measure C presents an opportunity to expand and improve the early childhood care and education system. The initiative follows a purposeful trajectory driven by three overarching goals:

Connected Families: Through Child Care Pathways and contracted slots, Measure C will ensure families have the information, options, and support they need to access a network of early childhood services.

Enhanced Programs: Through facilities, classroom enhancements, and network support, Measure C will ensure programs have the resources to build and sustain high-quality, engaging environments across all settings linked to child and family well-being.

Supported Workforce: Through compensation, workforce development, and professional supports, Measure C will ensure that child care providers are equitably compensated, has robust professional development opportunities, and receives enhanced support for overall engagement and well-being.

Community Advisory Council

Recommendations and program design for First 5’s role in administering Measure C’s Child Care, Preschool, and Early Education (CCPEE) account comes from the Community Advisory Council (CAC), an 11-member volunteer advisory body. CAC members are selected and appointed by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and the Alameda County Early Care & Education Planning Council (Local Planning Council) based on the expertise and experience required for their designated seat as specified in the Measure C Ordinance.

Accessing Measure C resources

Are you an early care and education administrator or child care site owner? You may be eligible for Measure C funds. Please visit our funding opportunities page to learn more.

Funding opportunities

Every extra year of exposure
to a positive childhood environment makes a significant impact on long-term outcomes.

Dr. Raj Chetty, William A. Ackman Professor of Economics at Harvard University