The First 5 Alameda County office is closed in accordance with the county’s shelter-in-place ordinance, but our staff are working remotely to serve families and other community members. Find information below to access tips, resources, and guidance for navigating child care operations during the pandemic.


Make an appointment to get tested for COVID-19. Results are returned generally within 48-72 hours. 

Vaccination Resources

Alameda County’s vaccination prioritization is aligned with the State. Find out what tier you are in and get notified when it’s your turn. Please visit for more information about the COVID-19 vaccines and the way different groups are being prioritized.

Testing Resources

Get Tested for COVID-19

Make an appointment to get tested for COVID-19. Results are returned generally within 48-72 hours.

Food Assistance

Alameda County Nutrition Action Partnership 

California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA) 

Comida Para Cherryland 

  • Eden’s just-in-time food pantry, Comida para Cherryland, operates on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, from 1:30–4:30 pm or until the food is gone. No necesita ID. 

Help Me Grow Alameda County 

South Hayward Parish Emergency Food Pantry 

  • The food pantry provides emergency food for individuals and families. Short-term food supplies available for individuals/families in need of assistance. Call the Food Distribution Coordinator at (510) 785-FOOD(3663) for assistance. 

Financial Aid

Family Values Work and National Employment Law Project 

  • Flow chart about benefits available to workers during COVID-19 and under which circumstances. 

US Small Business Administration (SBA) 

Public Benefits

California Employee Development Department (EDD) 

Alameda County Care Connect Consumer & Family Fellowship Peer-to-Peer Advisors 

Alameda County Social Services Agency (SSA) 

  • Find updates from SSA related to CalFresh, CalWORKs, Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Medi-Cal, and/or General Assistance (GA) 
  • The Social Services Agency in partnership with the Alameda County Emergency Operations Center, Alameda County Community Food Bank, and other community partners have worked together to assemble and organize countywide data on food distribution and emergency resources to connect residents with vital services. See the Emergency Food & Resource Map. 

Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD) 


Berkeley Unified School District 

California Department of Education (CDE) 

Notices from Local, State, and Federal Agencies

School Districts

Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE)

California State

California Department of Social Services (CDSS)

CDSS has become aware of a fake letter containing references to Merced County Human Services Agency that is circulating on social media. It includes the faked signature of a state official. The letter tells clients they must get tested for COVID-19 in order to continue their benefits. It also tells clients that if they test positive, their children will be removed into foster care. The letter asks people to visit a website, as well. The letter, its contents, and the website are fake. For more information, visit the CDSS website.

California Surgeon General

Office of Governor Gavin Newsom

California State/California Department of Public Health

Alameda County

City of Hayward

  • COVID-19 Phone Hotline: (510) 583-4949

Alameda County Emergency Child Care Response

Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD)


US Citizenship and Immigration Services

  • US Citizenship and Immigration Services has announced the agency will NOT consider “testing, treatment, nor preventative care (including vaccines, if a vaccine becomes available) related to COVID-19” in a public charge determination “even if such treatment is provided or paid for by one or more public benefits.”

US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Philanthropic Response

Home-Based Child Care Emergency Fund

LIIF COVID-19 Child Care Project

  • LIIF is managing emergency grant requests through a targeted regional effort, the COVID-19 Child Care Project. Eligible providers will receive emergency funding to cover staff salaries, rent, and other operating expenses that are usually covered by tuition. For questions about the program and grant eligibility, email

Tipping Point

  • COVID-19 Emergency Response Fundraiser. Tipping Point is raising $30 million as quickly as possible to stabilize the non-profits working tirelessly to support low-income individuals and families hit hardest by this crisis.

San Francisco Foundation

The East Bay Community Foundation

For Questions or Further Guidance

First 5 Alameda County. Rowena Kamo, at and Michele Rutherford, at