Increasing Awareness

of the Importance of the First 5 Years of Life

Optimal physical health and emotional well-being in early childhood are critical to preparing a child for lifelong learning and social development.  Numerous studies show that children with access to pre-school – as well as to early identification of developmental delays and emotional difficulties – have significantly more success in school.  For families, children and society, it’s much more cost-effective to intervene early in life than wait for problems to appear in school.

A 28-year study of Chicago Public Schools shows that low-income children who attended high-quality preschool scored better on reading and math achievement tests, were less likely to be held back a grade, and were more likely to graduate from high school.


First 5 Alameda County works to increase awareness of the importance of the first five years of life with individuals and institutions in multiple ways:   

  • Distributing materials in schools, hospitals, clinics doctor’s offices, community agencies, libraries across all family serving agencies in Alameda County notifying providers, teachers and family members about our services in support of families and children 0-5

  • Spreading the word through the media so that families know the importance of early care and are aware of the resources available to them

  • Appearing at community meetings and events

  • Addressing public and community agencies about the importance of 0-5 and advocating for state, county and private funds to build an integrated system of early childhood care.
