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“I know that Help Me Grow will link my patients to services and supports in the community – saving me time and easing the burden on my practice.” – Dr. Kelley Meade, Associate Director of Primary Care, Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland 


Help Me Grow promotes the development, learning and social-emotional health of children ages birth to 5.  Join us in helping children grow!


CALL 888-510-1211 for


Child Development Assistance
For information and support, call or refer a family to our toll-free phone line.  The phone line is staffed by multi-lingual Care Coordinators who answer questions, offer support, and provide referrals for children’s development, learning, and behavior.  The phone line is open M - F from 9am – 5pm.



Care Coordination

When there is a concern about a child’s development, learning or behavior, care coordinators can help.  Care coordinators partner with families to problem-solve, find their best options for support, and get connected to services.  Care Coordinators also keep providers up-to-date on referrals.
Family Navigators
If a family wants more help, family navigators provide in-person care coordination.  Family Navigators are parent professionals.  They offer home visits, interpretation assistance, and peer support. They help families problem-solve, navigate systems, and enroll in services for their child and family.
Developmental Screening Program 

If a family would like to track their child’s development, the screening program is a great resource.  Families regularly receive the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) through their child’s 5th birthday.  Staff share results, provide tips, and help address concerns.  With permission, results are shared with provider(s).

Enroll online now! 

Click here for English. 

Click here for Spanish.


Provider Resources


Help Me Grow Information Fliers


Alameda Kids Resource Directory






Is a new website just for families with children ages birth to 5 years. 

  • You can find information on child development and hear real stories from families. 

  • Check out the Resource Directory to search over 200 early childhood and parenting resources located in Alameda County!Users can find supports and services by type of service, age of children served, languages spoken, and more. 

Not sure your program is in our resource directory?


Order Printed Material 

Help Me Grow Alameda County now has printed material available to providers and families. You can place a request now. 



For general information on our Help Me Grow Program visit our Help Me Grow homepage.  
