Help Alameda County Complete the Census 


The Census happens every 10 years and is the only official population count in the United States! 

When we all respond to the Census and count all children who live at an address, here’s what happens: 

  • Our childcare and health centers get more funding during the next 10 years to help families stay healthy and thrive. 
  • Our community also gets more funding for programs like CalFresh, WIC, and Medi-Cal for the next decade so families can get the medical care and food assistance they need. 
  • Our elected representation in California and Washington, DC is protected.

Families can respond to the Census by visiting on April 1, 2020. 


Outreach Materials

First 5 Alameda County is distributing Census outreach materials focused on families with young children. To request Census outreach and event materials created for families with children birth to age five, please complete this order form.

Social media materials are also available from the First 5 Association of California as well as Sesame Street Census assets.











